Yum list installed
Yum list installed

The format below says to print the size as the first element of each result line: $ rpm -qa -queryformat '%10” sets the package name to be aligned left and padded to 25 characters. The following command queries (-q) all packages (-a) and returns the result in the format defined by “–queryformat”. Increase the EBS storage – which can be done by following the instructions in “ Increase Amazon EBS Volume” – or you can try to reduce the amount of data you have on your server.īesides minimising the actual user data, you can also try to remove installed packages that you don’t need, but some packages are so small that it is not worth thinking of removing them.

yum list installed

With Amazon EC2 (especially with EBS storage) you have 2 possibilities.

yum list installed

When you pay for every GB of disc space on your server, as with an Amazon EC2 instance, you want to make sure to keep the amount of installed packages to a minimum.

Yum list installed